The Digital Access Show

The Digital Access Show explores the elements that make up good communication. Usability + Accessibility + devotion to improvement + determination gives good communication.
Making a change in each of the areas not only enhances communication. It provides a good basis for improving business and includes those in the community that have different communication styles.
The Digital Access Show interviews people from business, non-government organisations and those with disability to find out what makes good communication.,
The Digital Access Show is released every Sunday and can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify Podcast, Amazon and other podcast distribution channels.
Aaron Orme lives with Retinosa Pigmentosa. How does it affect his life. How does he handle the challenge of employment? What lessons has he learnt?
Anita Gover from TechAbilty is running a NDIS Techability Conference, Future Forward 2025, from 24 February, 2025 to 25 February 2025. As she was preparing the marketing tools an issue was found that could have caused physical reactions for some people. Listen to what it was and how it was resolved.
The Digital Access Show guest this week is Peter Archer. Peter is the founder of Beyond Vision. Peter, himself, lives with Stargaardts. Stargaardts is a bit like looking at pixels according to Peter. Hear how Peter has managed communication with his clients along with the perceptions of others when they realise what Peter and his wife are building.
Mark Warren is our guest on episode 2 of The Digital Access Show. Mark talks about perceptions and how they affect everyone in their every day life. How does it affect communication?
Season Two of t he Digital Access Show kicks off with Allan Parker OAM from Peak Performance Development talking about perceptions, beliefs and assumptions. How do they affect communication?
Jeremy Hill is our last podcast guest for the year. Jeremey is an orientation and mobility trainer for guide Dogs Queensland. Jeremy talks about orientation and mobility. What is it? Why is it important and how does it relate to digital accessibility?
Emma Bennison is the Chief Innovative Officer at Life Without Barriers. Emma is also part of a group called United Blind leaders who are advocating for vision impaired community. In this podcast, Emma talks about usable digital communication.
Patrick Lane is a user experience designer who is passionate about digital accessibility. Patrick discusses the reasons why along with why the principle of brevity is important when creating usable digital communication.
CEO and Director of Assistive Technology from Digital Access Solutions and Assistive Technology, Mark Muscat discusses the common errors that are found on websites. These errors make life harder for the elderly, people with disability and people where English is not the preferred language to access the information on the website.
Jackie McRae from CopyCred provides a great definition of Usable Digital Communication along with 5 tips to improve your digital content.
Tania Gomez from Tania Gomez Consulting is the provider to NDIS providers. She is a business coach and auditor. Tania joins us to discuss the challenges with communication that NDIS providers have.
Transcript: Tania talks communication
Shevonne Joyce has a couple of disabilities that affect how she communicates. She is also the funder and director of Electro consulting.
In this podcast, we discuss the communication barriers that Shevonne experiences and how great leadership makes a difference.
Transcript: Shevonne talks leadership.
As a parent of a person with disability, Laura McIntosh sees the struggles that people with disability have in life. Laura has a great message about taking back control, empowerment and enabling yourself.
Andrew Backhouse from the Queenslanders with Disability Network has worked in the disability sector for many years. He is passionate about communication. Find out his thoughts on the progress of communication with people with disability. Has it improved?
Sujit Menon has come to the world of digital accessibility through a chance meeting. Since them he has worked to bring digital accessibility into his work. How? Our podcast has the answer.
This week’s guest on The Digital Access Show is Brett O’Connor. Founder of the Inception Network and a vocational and education trainer in the VET system for many years, Brett discusses what a reasonable adjustment is and what people with disability can do to be able to complete their education.
Shari from Vantage Point Ad is an audio describer for live shows. Hear how she improves the theatre and concert experience for people with vision impairment and others who require audio description to get the most out of the show.
Jeanette Jifkins from Onyx Legal is our guest speaker this week Jeanette is a business lawyer who is also passionate about digital accessibility. Jeanette discusses the legal framework in Australia behind the Digital Accessibility standards.
Santigao Valesquez is an innovator and entrepenaur who is based in Queensland, has won the Churchill Trust and is a TEDX speaker. He has also developed a new app, Hailo, that will make a difference to everyone who catches public transport. And he lives with a disability.
Transcript: Santiago Valesquez
Dr Scott Hollier from the Centre for Accessibility is the go to person for digital accessibility in Australia. Scott, in this discussion, talks about the history of digital accessibility and the future.
Transcript: Scott Hollier and WCAG
Janeen Vosper from SpeechPerfect is a sales and speech coach. However, like everyone else she has a family. Her husband suffered industrial hearing loss. Hear how Janeen and her husband, Don, along with their family have managed the situation and ensured that Don has an effect hearing environment.
Transcript: Janeen Vosper talks hearing impairment
Andrew Leigh from Helping Hands Community Inc has a special reason for working in the disability sector. His son, Brandon. Learn about Andrew and his relationship with Brandon. Why Andrew and his wife Laura started Helping Hands Community Inc and to communication methods that they use.
Sally Meshel is a special lady. She is a special education teacher working in a mainstream school to support children with disability. Special education teachers are empathetic problem solvers that make a huge difference for children with disability and their families. Find out more about her work in our latest podcast.
Amir Meshel, Buyers Agent, is passionate about working with people with disability to find their home. What tips can he offer the person with disability and the real estate agent in the process?
Part 2 of Mark and illese’s adventure looks at travel in Canada, Japan and on a cruise ship. What was great? Where did they struggle? Would they do it again?
When a person with disability travels they have different experiences to others without the disability Mark and Illese travelled through three countries and tell us of their adventures, challenges and the accessibility that was great.
Innovation is the theme this week. How can simple things be made more useful and inclusive for everyone. Kathleen from ByNinja shows us how to do it. Great innovation and simple ideas.
People don’t know what they don’t know. Assumptions are made that need to be challenged. Listen to Paul Bryan from Action and Intent discuss the NDIS, NDIS support staff and digital accessibility.
Disability Employment brings many benefits to the buesiness including providing a larger target market of potential clients. This week we look at the What and Why of Disability Employment along with the how.
Bernie Kelly has a podcast with a difference. A Journey with Bernie. Bernie is also a guide who takes people tot he base of Mount Everent and into orphanages in Nepal. Bernie had some great points to make about communication and how it can be enhanced.
I was looking back at the people that we have met doing this podcast. They have made some great points and I decided to create a reflections podcast for you. Enjoy the Show.
Alyce Carter-Edwards is hearing impaired. In this discussion Alyce talks about the communication challenges that she experiences and some tips to ensure that the hearing impaired are included.
Nik Cree is a Queensland based business owner who specialises in digital marketing and web development. He has run businesses for over 20 years and shares tips about what business can do in a cost effective manner to be inclusive and make money.
Rebbecca Jurkiewicz is a disability employment specialist with Chapter One Employment. It is her passion and goal to work with as many people as possible to assist them back to full time work.
Lucy Seret is the Usability Manager of BindiMaps, Lucy works with a team to ensure that BindiMaps is accessible to everyone.
Laura Garcia has a daughter, Eva, with a severe vision impairment. Eva is now 12 and has started high school. Laura and her family have mastered many challenges with the latest being high school.
Amber and Jed have a 3 year old son, Hugo who has been diagnosed as ASD Level 3 and non-verbal. This has affected the whole family and taken them on a journey that they could never have imagined.
Patrick Dillon went for a swim to cool off in the Dawson River. His life changed forever. Listen to Patrick’s journey. He talks about the assistive technology tools that give him independence.
What is happening in the United States of America in regards to Digital Accessibility? How does Australia compare? Meryl Evans, international speaker, and accessibility marketing consultant discusses the current situation in USA and what the future holds.
How does a wedding dress cause a change in career. And it is definitely not related to marriage. Mary has had a number of career changes who has found the best fit for her. Mary is a business coach and leadership trainer along with being a published author. Listen to Mary’s message about inclusion and diversity and how it relates to digital accessibility to communication.
Mark Muscat is a director of Digital Access Solutions and Assistive Technology. Mark is also a tech guru and has worked in the information technology sector for over 25 years. Mark is also blind. What are the varriers that Mark continually run into and what has he done to turn the barriers into challenges?
Grace Cameron works from home like a lot of us. However, she does it with few extra challenges. Grace has built a business from scratch and is truly inspiring in the way that she has made her life rich by thinking outside the square.
Brendan Somerville is a Human Resources specialist who mentors business as they bring on people with disability to work. Hear about his work, and why he is passionate about the disability sector.
David Oram is passionate about digital accessibility. He is also a digital marketing expert based in Melbourne who ensures that digital accessibility is included in all his work.
Shannon Towell is an Experience Designer who specialises in creating the best experiences for her clients. Working in both the digital and physical realm through the medium of websites, and interactives for museums and other cultural institutions.
Adam Morris is an assistive technology trainer who also happens to be vision impaired. Adam currently works for a Non Government Operator. He is affective and efficient and has some great points to offer.
Paula Burgess is an entrepreneur, business coach, boss, mum, sister, and fan of digital accessibility. She discusses how she incorporates digital accessibility into her work. Also find out a couple of great tips.
Allan Parker OAM, micro behavioural neuroscientist and forensic linguist, has travelled the world, written books and is an expert in complex negotiation and mediation. Allan is also dyslexic. Not able to read until he was 30 he has completed university degrees and has some great tips on how to manage meetings and conferences with diverse people to ensure inclusivity. Transcript Podcast 1 Allan Parker