DASAT Certification Register

DASAT Certification Register Scroll

The DASAT Certification Register is a list of companies that make sure their websites and documents can be used by everyone, including those with disabilities. These businesses follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to make it easier for people with disabilities to get information online.

Working Towards WCAG 2.2 Level AA

Book with the words Web Design, Creative Concept, and Website Design written on it.

These companies are actively working towards ensuring that their websites are accessible.

Sunlight Bookkeeping Logo Sunlight Bookkeeping

Mable Logomable

Beyond Vision LogoPeter Archer Beyond Vision

Forward Steps Mobility

Safe Transport Victoria

WCAG 2.2 Level AA Certified

W3C LogoThese companies have been certified as having websites that meet  WCAG 2.2 Level  AA.

This means that they also meet Australian Standard  AS EN 301 549:2020.

iEyePty Ltd. Your orientation and Mobility Expertsieye Low Vision Services

WCAG 2.1 Level AA Certified

W3C Logo

These companies have been certified as having websites that meet  WCAG 2.1 Level  A. 

This means that they also meet Australian Standard  AS EN 301 549:2020.


Atomic Web Strategy Logo Atomic Web Strategy

iEyePty Ltd. Your orientation and Mobility Expertsieye Low Vision Services

Peak Performance DevelopmentLogo

Peak Performance Design

Australian Standard AS EN 301 549:2020

The Australian Flag in the shape of Australia including TasmaniaThese companies meet the Australian Standards