A person holding a sign with the words, Digital Accessibility, in a blue circle.

Is your website accessible by everyone? Can everyone understand it, read it and know what you are offering?  Can the website be viewed successfully on mobile phones, tablets, desktop computers or other technologies such as kiosks.  What about your emails and other documents? What is your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) ranking on Google?  All important questions if you want to be found.

We work with you to solve those accessibility problems making it accessible to a larger audience. 

That is, we teach you how to implement digital accessibility.

We are on the Queensland ICT Services Panel and the Buy NSW panel.  We are here to support you.

Download our Capability Statement for more information.

Photo of Jack Russel dog looking through a magnifying glass.

SEO is, essentially, like a person with vision impairment.  It relies on text to find the information.  

Usability is all about how easy a document is to read and understand.  That is the website or document must be: 

  • easy and efficient to use,
  • effective,
  • understandable,
  • tolerant of errors,
  • able to be controlled by the user,
  • Minimise barriers/obstacles
  • predictable and
  • accessible. 

According to the World Wide Web Consortium:

“Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, people can:

  • perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web
  • contribute to the Web”

Google’s crawling bots  appreciate the digital accessibility techniques that are required to ensure that people with disability can access the same information.  That is, digital accessibility improves your rankings.


A man and woman brain storming.

Our team of Consultants works closely with clients to update all websites and documents to conform with the International and Australian Standards in Digital Accessibility.


A page displaying a list of tasks with all ticked


Our team of auditors collaborate with you to conduct a comprehensive examination and identification of all relevant issues, followed by a set of professional recommendations to efficiently resolve those issues.


A man teaching students.

We provide training services for individuals and businesses in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and how to apply techniques to ensure that your websites and documents are accessible to the most people

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