Good Communication

Drawing of Two people talking face to face.

We never think about the way that we communicate. However, we communicate all the time, verbally, nonverbally and using written methods. So what makes up communication?  Communication is a process made up of many different components. Depending on the type of communication, digital or written, verbal or non-verbal communication, there are similar components and some differences.

Digital or written communication uses words, the medium through which the communication is sent, whether that is digital or paper, tone of the wording and also typeface, colour and other components that we have talked about previously.

Verbal communication uses nonverbal communication along with voice to get the message across.

Nonverbal uses body language and facial expression only.  

Group of people using smartphones Similarities

The similarities for all methods include:

  • Sender: The person that initiates the message.

  • Message: The information that is being communicated. The message needs to be delivered in an organised and concise manner and with clarity. 

  • Encoding: The process of converting the message into symbols, words, or gestures. 

  • Language: The structured system of words and grammar used to convey meaning. This includes vocabulary, syntax, and semantics.

  • Channel: The medium through which the message is sent e.g., spoken words, written text, digital media. 

  • Receiver: The person that receives the message. 

  • Decoding: The process by which the receiver interprets and understands the message.

  • Feedback: The response from the receiver back to the sender, indicating whether the message was understood. 

  • Context: The environment or situation in which communication takes place, including cultural, social, and physical contexts. 

  • Noise: Any interference or distraction that affects how the message is received and interpreted.  


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Verbal communication involves the use of words to convey messages. The extra components of verbal communication are:

  • Speaking: The oral expression of language. This includes pronunciation, tone, pitch, and volume, which all affect how the message is received.
  • Listening: The active process of receiving, interpreting, and responding to spoken messages. Effective listening requires concentration and engagement.
  • Tone: The emotional quality or attitude conveyed by the speaker’s voice. Tone can indicate friendliness, seriousness, sarcasm, enthusiasm or any other feeling.
  • Body Language:  Body language includes facial expression, posture, proximity to the receiver, eye contact, touch and appearance of the speaker. A great example is the look that your parent gives you when you have done something they disapprove of.  You feel it don’t you.
  • Pacing and Timing: The speed and rhythm of speech, as well as the strategic use of pauses. Proper pacing helps maintain listener interest and understanding.
  • Pronunciation and Enunciation: Pronunciation is the way in which words are pronounced, while enunciation is the clarity with which words are spoken. Both are critical for understanding.
  • Persuasiveness: The ability to convince others through argument, reasoning, and rhetorical techniques.

Image of hand pointing to the words, User Experience


Removing one component of communication can and will change the message.  Again, think of a person speaking angrily and a person using the same words but speaking calmly. Most people tend to focus on the feeling behind the words and not the words.  The words are secondary in importance. 

What about the person who has English as a second language here in Australia.  For them, it becomes harder again. They spend a lot more time understanding the message, body language and other components.  

Hand moving a blue pawn one step forward.


The process of communication is more complex than we realise.  We do it naturally. However, a good communicator has the ability to use all the components to create a clear, concise message that is understood by the speaker regardless of the method of communication.