Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable Adjustments. What are they?
Reasonable Adjustments Read the article
News, How To, What IsQuick tutorials to be able to learn a new skill
Reasonable Adjustments. What are they?
Reasonable Adjustments Read the article
News, How To, What IsLet Me Hear What You’re Seeing. Shar Irwin talks of her journey into the Audio Description World.
Let Me Hear What You’re Seeing Read the article
News, How To, What IsLandmark Digital Accessibiilty Cases are the focus of today.
Landmark Digital Accessibility Cases Read the article
News, How To, What IsNavigation Tools such as assistive technology are used by people with vision impairment to navigate their surroundings effectively. These tools combine the use of canes, guide dogs, sound, smell, touch, GPS, and apps on the mobile phones. So
Efficient Navigation Tools for Vision Impaired Read the article
What Is, How To, NewsWhat is an effective hearing environment? People, as they age, can and do lose their hearing. It can be complete hearing loss or partial hearing loss. The affects of hearing loss can be quite profound and affect not
Effective Hearing Environment for everyone Read the article
What Is, How To, NewsOne of the themes that we have been exploring in a couple of our podcasts is becoming disabled when you are older. Patick Dillon, Jaceen Ross and I experienced this. Whether it’s due to age-related conditions, injuries, or
Becoming Disabled Later in Life Read the article
How To, NewsIt’s important to create environments where everyone can communicate effectively. When working with individuals who are hearing impaired, understanding their needs and employing appropriate communication strategies is crucial for successful collaboration. Here are essential tips for working effectively
Communicate effectively with the hearing impaired Read the article
How To, News, What To DoDigital Accessibility is all about communication. Communicating with everyone to ensure that your information is readable, understandable and accessible. For some people looking at a page can be like looking at a blank piece of paper. Watch a
Digital Accessibility Tips and Tricks Read the article
How To, News, What To DoDisability employment services are programs and initiatives designed to support individuals with disabilities in finding and maintaining employment. These services often include job training, skill development, job placement assistance, workplace accommodations, and ongoing support to help individuals with
The What and Why of Disability Employment Services Read the article
How To, News, What IsWe all know that Christopher Columbus and Captain James Cook along with many other explorers used astronomy, latitude and longitude to find their way around the world. What about Leichardt’s exploration of inland Australia. He also used those
Why is Wayfinding important? Read the article
How To, News, What Is