How does a vision Impaired Person access information?

Photo of a blind woman using a cane and a blind man using a guide dog.

Digital accessibility plays a crucial role in improving workplace health and safety. By ensuring that digital tools, platforms, and information are accessible to all employees, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, organisations can create a safer and more inclusive work environment.

Photo of Braille alphabet, punctuation and numbers

Braille, Screen Readers

 Individuals with vision impairment often rely on screen readers, software that converts digital text into synthesized speech. This technology enables them to access websites, documents, and emails, fostering independence in the digital realm.

Zooming is another tool that can be used to access information.  We all use zooming in the digital content when writing is too small.


Braille is uses a patten of dots to signify letters and numbers.  Braille remains a fundamental tool for those with vision impairment. From Braille books to tactile graphics, it provides a tangible means of accessing information. Braille is a basic skill for the younger vision impaired person to learn grammar, punctuation and other English skills.  Innovations like refreshable Braille displays have also facilitated real-time interaction with digital content.

This colorful flat illustration depicts digital accessibility, a design of technology products or environments .

Accessible Formats

Publishers increasingly recognize the importance of making content accessible. Audiobooks, large print editions, and accessible e-books broaden the range of materials available to individuals with vision impairment, promoting inclusivity in the literary world.

Men sitting at computers working.


In the educational sphere, assistive technologies play a pivotal role. Tools such as braille, speech-to-text software, magnification applications, and adaptive learning platforms empower students with vision impairment to participate actively in academic settings. 

Display of Office equipment including laptop, pens, notepad and phone.

Smart Devices

The integration of voice-controlled smart devices has been transformative. From setting reminders to obtaining real-time information, individuals with vision impairment can leverage these technologies to enhance their daily lives.


Navigating physical spaces is made easier through tactile maps and orientation tools. Embossed maps, audible beacons, and smartphone apps with geolocation features contribute to increased mobility and spatial awareness.

A Team play with colorful puzzle pieces

Community Support

Beyond technology, the support of communities and advocacy groups is crucial. Platforms like social media enable the exchange of tips, experiences, and information, fostering a sense of community among individuals with vision impairment.


Words 'Barrier free' on white note with a pen on top.

Challenge, Solutions

Despite significant progress, challenges persist. Ensuring consistent web accessibility by incorporating the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, addressing the digital divide, and promoting universal design principles are ongoing priorities to enhance the information landscape for those with vision impairment. 


Hand moving a blue pawn one step forward.


Vision impaired people can access information in a different way to the person with sight.  The tools and technologies available to aid the vision impaired person are there.  It is, however, necessary for business and the community to keep this process going.